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Guideline for functional safety

Achieving safety targets with the new brochure from Festo.

Guideline for functional safety

For safety issues in factory and process automation, look no further than the brochure "Guideline for functional safety” from Festo.

For all the latest information on safety issues in factory and process automation, look no further than the brochure "Guideline for functional safety” from Festo. The 140-page document explains how production and design engineers can best realise safe machines in factory automation or safe systems in process industries, and how they can successfully implement safety requirements.  

Machines have to be designed in a way that protects people, animals, property and the environment from harm. The objective is to prevent damage of any type. Using safety-related pneumatic and electric components from Festo provides you with the security that safety measures are implemented in line with the EC Machinery Directive.

The "Guidelines for machine and system safety" brochure covers the core questions about safety-related pneumatics and electrical engineering. It provides answers to questions such as

  • Why use safety-related pneumatic and electric components at all?
  • How can I identify the risk posed by a machine or interlinked machine to the operator or user?
  • Which directives and standards apply?
  • Which protective measure are based on these?
  • What are the most common protective measures?

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