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Leica DMC-4X redefines productivity for large-area mapping

The new system configuration, now commercially available, reduces flying time while delivering exceptional precision and image quality.
Leica DMC-4X redefines productivity for large-area mapping

With a 54,000-pixel swath width, the Leica DMC-4X delivers unmatched performance for large-scale projects, capturing 71° field-of-view, high-resolution imagery at unprecedented rates. The new configuration builds on over two years of proven experience with the 4th generation DMC product line, leveraging the true, mechanical Forward-Motion Compensation (FMC) and wide dynamic range of the MFC150 imaging module combined with the most advanced systems control and post-processing solutions in the industry.

Leica DMC-4X redefines productivity for large-area mapping

The industry-leading collection performance of the DMC-4X enables customers to capture large swaths of seamless, tonally balanced imagery at a wide range of aircraft speeds and altitudes. The system is supported by Leica Geosystems’ highly scalable HxMap multi-sensor workflow, allowing for the delivery of multiple data products, addressing multiple applications.

Leica DMC-4X redefines productivity for large-area mapping

“The X configuration of the DMC-4 has been purpose-built for large-area data mapping projects, enabling users to simultaneously optimise collection efficiency and image precision,” said Layton Hobbs, Product Line Director at Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon. “The new system significantly increases productivity for large imaging projects, addressing the growing demand for faster, more efficient and more reliable airborne solutions at nationwide scales.

Leica DMC-4X redefines productivity for large-area mapping

Tested within the Content Program — Hexagon’s comprehensive library of aerial imagery and elevation models — the system has demonstrated a remarkable reduction in flight time compared to the previous generations. “The mapping performance of the DMC-4X in 2024 has enabled us to reduce flying time and costs by 30%, while delivering consistently high-quality data“, said Jodi Delorme, VP of Operations, Content North America.

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