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»We monitor 17 grinders with the Vicivision machine»: Bavieri offers efficiency to its customers
Increasing capacity with the same number of machines means increased efficiency. It means optimizing your production, just as Bavieri Alfeo Precision Mechanics has done.
»Let's say that the optical machine is never idle: with 1 Vici we monitor 17 grinders, we use it all the time.»
Often metrology is not associated with increased productivity, sometimes it is associated with waste. In fact, if you use traditional tools for process control, they are often slow, inaccurate, and subjective. It can take hours to complete inspection requirements and provide USEFUL data to your process.
Using a VICIVISION optical measuring machine is a game changer! Accurate results in seconds and digital data collection.
Operators can see which values are close to the tolerance limit, make adjustments, and analyze the trend over time. VICIVISION provides valuable process data in real-time, allowing you to continue production without producing scrap.
The goal of a VICI machine is not just to measure, but to provide critical feedback to the machinists, thus avoiding costly scrap and downtime. The result is increased capacity with the same number of lathes or grinding while maintaining quality.
Bavieri Alfeo is a company that, for over 50 years, has been specializing in grinding, roll forming, and lapping. With VICIVISION, they have found the ideal supplier for easy, fast and accurate, shop floor controls.
"We perform the final operations on parts we receive from our customer; we are the last stage of processing. We have been working with Vici for two years and have found that for us, time is money. This is something everyone can relate to. Our “Time is money” mentality is reflected in the partnership with our customers. Today we check every 50 pieces out of every 100; This means an increase in quality of production, plain and simple. Vici has proven itself vital to our process and therefore critical to the company. Really though, the best thing about the VICI is the ease of use and flexibility. Every operator who works here in Bavieri, and there are about 8 of us, can personally go and check how the grinders are running at any stage of production. We can do it right on the shop floor without waiting for anyone. We have parts with diametric tolerances less than .001”, with roundness, cylindricity, and Position callouts of two diameters machined simultaneously. Vici does all this in 34 seconds ».
»I highly recommend a VICIVISION machine because it saves a lot of time and the machine is accurate. Let's just say that with 17 g grinding machines, the Vici is never idle, we use it all the time.»
Bavieri Alberto |www.bavierialfeo.it