New METHOD Carbon Fiber Editions Print Metal Replacement Parts with High Strength and Accuracy and The METHOD Platform Further Expands to Support More Materials, Applications, and Markets.
Future-proof, reliable, cost- and energy-efficient - the new generation of subcritical compressors GEA Bock HGX44e CO2 for the natural refrigerant carbon dioxide (R744) sets a milestone especially for industrial low temperature applications in cold stores and in the food industry.
First to enable machine learning inference together with unlimited on-orbit reconfiguration for real time on-board-processing in space; delivers full radiation tolerance spanning all orbits.
With the VISOR® Code Reader V20 Standard, SensoPart expands its family of vision sensors with a low-cost version for standard applications requiring a higher image resolution, such as the reading of simple printed barcodes.
The IoT Solution Module combines Arrow’s engineering and global distribution capabilities with Panasonic Industry’s IoT modules based on the ST BlueTile (STEVAL-BCN002V1B) multi-sensor development kit. This combination enables customers to test their ideas easily and bring new IoT products to the market faster.
The safety laser scanner PSENscan from Pilz now goes beyond safe, productive monitoring of stationary or mobile danger zones, offering new possibilities for the production logistics sector. Availability of the ROS (Robot Operating System) packages from the Open Source Framework ROS means that the safety laser scanner can also be used for dynamic navigation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) – using SLAM for example (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping). Users benefit from a more dynamic and therefore safe implementation of mobile applications in production environments.
HMS Networks announces the release of Anybus® Wireless Bolt IoT which enables reliable cellular-based internet connectivity for assets in the field, using the new LTE-based networks NB-IoT and CAT-M1.
HMS Networks is announcing the availability of Anybus® CompactCom™ IIoT Secure products for both EtherNet/IP and PROFINET, including a new complete security platform for IIoT communication over OPC UA and MQTT.
Yamaha Motor Europe Factory Automation section is launching #DiscoverYamahaRobotics on social channels and online, describing fast and affordable routes into advanced robotic automation for manufacturing, packaging, logistics, and more.